behind every child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first!

Parents & Guardians

Knowledge is power. Here you will learn what it’s like to be a person who does not perceive the world and process information the way you do. You will be inspired to try new ways to connect with your child. We hope this will lead you and your child to fresh new moments of joy.

Our Resource Library

Understanding Individualized Education Program (IEP)

This guide is designed to help you through every step of your IEP journey. It offers basic information, while also leading you to more detailed information and insights. The more you know about IEPs, the more involved you can be in getting your child the best support possible.

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When Autism Speaks

The story of Ben Gans

Watch this video.


What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity difference?

Watch this video.

Failing at Normal

An ADHD Success Story by Jessica McCabe.

Watch this video.

Meet Temple Grandin

Be inspired by this short extract of a movie.

Watch this video.

Our Dyslexic Children 2020

Full documentary on Dyslexia

Watch this video

ADHD Emotional Regulation

By Dr Russell Barkley

watch this video.

Category: Coping Strategies

The Harry Potter Parenting Guide

Rachel Rosner: TEDxHFLHighSchool

Watch this video

ADHD 101

Why Kids With ADHD Need Different Parenting Strategies

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Self Regulation Strategies

Tips to help kids manage outbursts and self regulate.

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ADHD Parenting 101 Tips to Help Our Kids Focus on Schoolwork

This focuses on ADHD and offers practical strategies you can implement in your own home to bring out the best in your family

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The Beauty of Raising an Autistic Child

A mother tells the story of her son, Liam.

Watch this video.

Project Happy Home

Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions...

My child is not performing well in school. Does that mean he or she has a learning disability?

On the Mayo Clinic we found this information Learning Disorders: Know The Signs And How To Help

My child has been diagnosed with ADHD. How can I help my child learn how master his ADHD?

The Center for Parent Information and Resources offers the following Tips for Parents Tools and Resources That Can Help You And Your Child.

My child has been diagnosed with Autism. How can I help my child engage with the world.

My toddler isn’t talking. Should I be worried?

From Friendship Circle Special Needs Resources: Here is the answer to that question and four more besides.