Welcome to the Neurodiversity Resource Center of Saint Lucia.

We are new! We are fresh! We are innovative! And we are here for YOU! Sponsored by the Norman Howard School through their director of education, Rosemary Hodges, and their ambassador to the Caribbean islands, Sheron Wahl, the Neurodiversity Resource Center of Saint Lucia is a brand new private outreach and advocacy movement dedicated to the educators, parents and guardians of those Saint Lucian students who perceive the world and process information in non-traditional ways.

We extend a special welcome to Saint Lucia’s atypical students. Here they may find answers to the questions they may have about themselves. We support their efforts to identify and develop their unique strengths. We embrace their challenge to re-envision the world in a more holistic and inclusive way. We celebrate the empowerment which will finally allow them to say, “I’m the boss of my brain.” Our intention is to make available to the special educators, parents, guardians, and neurodiverse students of Saint Lucia, up-to-date research findings, evidence-based classroom methods, family-friendly management strategies, and greater self-mastery.

We welcome you!

We are grateful to Dale St. Juste, Special Education Officer of Saint Lucia’s Special Education Unit for his warm and welcoming reception to our international outreach.

Our Resource Library

We invite our Saint Lucian educators, parents, guardians and students to explore our vast library of inspirational and educational videos. Our goal is to provide the latest evidence-based teaching methods together with an ever-deepening understanding of the minds of students with learning differences.


Find answers to your most perplexing classroom problems. We invite you to access resource videos that provide innovate teaching methods.

Parents &

Knowledge is power. Learn what it’s like to be a person who does not perceive the world and process information the way you do.


You are not alone. There are millions of students all over the world who do not learn in traditional ways. We invite you to listen to them tell their stories.